티스토리 뷰


오픽(OPIC), 등급(NH, IM, IH, AL)/자기소개/영화관/콘서트/관심사/돌발


OPIc의 평가는 ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines-Speaking에 따라 절대 평가로 진행됩니다.

이는 말하기 능숙도(Oral Proficiency)에 대한 언어능력 기준입니다.

Advanced - Intermediate - Novice

Orientation Survey(16): 될수록 많이 겹치는 것으로 선

4. 귀하는 여가 활동으로 주로 무엇을 하십니까? (두 개 이상 선택)

영화보기, 공연보기, 콘서트보기, 박물관가기, 공원가기, 어른들끼리 게임하기(카드, 당구, 보드게임 등), 집안일 거들기

5. 귀하의 취미나 관심사는 무엇입니까? (한 개 이상 선택)

음악 감상하기, 혼자 노래하기, 그룹으로 노래부르기, 요리하기

6. 귀하는 주로 어떤 운동을 즐기십니까? (한 개 이상 선택)

조깅, 걷기, 운동을 전혀 하지 않음

7. 귀하는 어떤 휴가나 출장을 다녀온 경험이 있습니까? (한 개 이상 선택)

국내여행, 집에서 보내는 휴가

자기소개 + 돌발(language school, house, my favorite room, leisure activity, appointment, library, furniture, home improvement project, 대중교통, 은행, 건강, TV/DVD보기, 테크놀러지, 전화, 인터넷, 외식하기, 쇼핑하기, 의복, 한국의 계절/지형, 명절, 호텔, 렌터카, 독서하기, 농촌, 병원)

Let's start the interview now. Tell me something about yourself!

 Hello, My name is -, Nice to meet you. I'm in my early 20ies. I go to - Univ. I'm majoring in cse. Well, I was born and raised in Seoul, Capital city of South Korea. Speaking of my personality, I'm outgoing and hardworking person. In my free time, I usually surf the internet and play carom. In the near future, I want to learn Japanese and travel around. Thank you for listening!

Please describe the movie theater you often go to. Where is it? What does it look like? Why do you often go there rather than to any other theaters?

 The movie theater I often go is near my house and it takes about 5 min on foot. It is clean and modern. The stage has a huge screen and speakers. The seats are comfortable. Moreover, the employees are well-trained. The theater is a kind of multi-complex, all-in-one building. I can do shopping and eat out. Therefore, I love to go there.

You indicated you go to a movie in your free time. When do you go? Who do you go with? Before and after a movie what do you usually do? What kind of movies do you like? Describe what you normally do when you go to the movies.

 I go to a movie twice a month. I usually go with my highschool friend at Megabox, because we have same taste of MV. our favorite MV genre is action or romantic comedy. I like to buy nachos & coke before movie. During movie, I have some nachos & chat with my friend. After movie, I have a chat over coffee. Going to a movie is good to blow off stress.

I'd like you to tell me about one of the most memorable movies you've seen. What is the story about? Who was the main actor or actress? How did the movie affect you?

 One of the most memorable movies I've ever seen is World War Z, starred by Brad Pitt & Mireille Enos directed by Marc Forster. During movie, I was surprised many times. Because It was kind of horror and about fighting against zombies for world peace. The story was exciting, the sound track was great, the special effect was outstanding. Since then, I've enjoyed horror movies.

How often do you go to concerts? with whom? What do you do before and after the concert?

 I go to PSY's concert twice a year. I usually go with my sister. Because we are big fans of PSY. Before concert, I usually buy tickets on line. During concert, we go wild. After concert, We have a chat over coffee. Going to a concert is good to blow off stress.

National Problem

 Last week, I went to ... with my ... for .... I felt good even though it was hot and humid. I saw two elderly guys drinking .... They looked so hammered. They made a lot of noise. It was so annoying. So I told them to be quiet but they were yelling at me and swearing at me. I was so upset that I left the place right away. It was the most memorable experience I've had ....

Tell your favorite TV character. Why do you like him/her?

 The character I love is Peter Dinklage. He is only 1.35m tall actor. So he started act as a dwarf. He played as a Tyrion Lannister in drama 'Game of Thrones.' In the Game of Thrones, he is also a dwarf. He was almost abandoned by his family because his physical weakness. So that he tries to over come his weakness by reading many books. I think his role in Game of Thrones is perfect for him and I was deeply moved. Therefore he is my favorite.

Tyrion Lannister, "Everyone knows a Lannister always pays his debts."

티리온 라니스터, "모두가 알고 있다시피, 라니스터는 언제나 빚을 갚습니다."

