티스토리 뷰
16. Duckbug: written by faker
The duckbug is another no damage fall technique. We already learnt about edgebugs and jumpbugs, so the duckbug is the third technique that can be used to fall down huge distances without dying. The big advantage of the technique is that it's about two times easier than a jumpbug, but unlike the jumpbug it can't be performed everywhere... you'll need a slanted surface to be able to do a duckbug.
Another difference compared to the jumpbug is that you won't lose your horizontal speed, so you should prepare to slow the "fall" down after you performed the duckbug.
After we know what the duckbug is, how does it work, how can we do it and on which maps can it be used?
First of all you need to gather some speed (more speed than just running off a high block and falling down) and jump or run off a high block.
-> Note: The less slanted the target surface is the more speed is needed - and the more slanted the target surface is the less speed is needed for a duckbug.
Then, while you are in the air you need to hold duck and release duck (unduck) being very close to the ground in order to trick the engine.
-> Tip by rad:
It can be very useful to bind +duck on your mousewheel and scroll (rad used a scrolled duck/unduck in the volcano world record demo and the demo from our recap video on redrock). Hitting the floor in a straight angle will help having success at it, however strafing doesn't matter. Other than that... just practise and practise
So how is a bug like that even possible?
Obviously it's possible to trick the engine if you are ducked in the last airframe and release duck when you touch the ground. However, the cs engine won't detect that, because you gathered a lot of speed while falling down causing that the next frame will be in air again, making the engine think that you didn't touch the ground at all. Nevertheless your vertical speed (falling speed) is reseted, just like if you did an edgebug, therefore you won't die anymore.
Last but not least, our videoguide showing a duckbug made on kz_man_redrock. If you want to see another example just check the world record of kz_6fd_volcano.
The duckbug is another no damage fall technique. We already learnt about edgebugs and jumpbugs, so the duckbug is the third technique that can be used to fall down huge distances without dying. The big advantage of the technique is that it's about two times easier than a jumpbug, but unlike the jumpbug it can't be performed everywhere... you'll need a slanted surface to be able to do a duckbug.
Another difference compared to the jumpbug is that you won't lose your horizontal speed, so you should prepare to slow the "fall" down after you performed the duckbug.
After we know what the duckbug is, how does it work, how can we do it and on which maps can it be used?
First of all you need to gather some speed (more speed than just running off a high block and falling down) and jump or run off a high block.
-> Note: The less slanted the target surface is the more speed is needed - and the more slanted the target surface is the less speed is needed for a duckbug.
Then, while you are in the air you need to hold duck and release duck (unduck) being very close to the ground in order to trick the engine.
-> Tip by rad:
It can be very useful to bind +duck on your mousewheel and scroll (rad used a scrolled duck/unduck in the volcano world record demo and the demo from our recap video on redrock). Hitting the floor in a straight angle will help having success at it, however strafing doesn't matter. Other than that... just practise and practise

So how is a bug like that even possible?
Obviously it's possible to trick the engine if you are ducked in the last airframe and release duck when you touch the ground. However, the cs engine won't detect that, because you gathered a lot of speed while falling down causing that the next frame will be in air again, making the engine think that you didn't touch the ground at all. Nevertheless your vertical speed (falling speed) is reseted, just like if you did an edgebug, therefore you won't die anymore.
Last but not least, our videoguide showing a duckbug made on kz_man_redrock. If you want to see another example just check the world record of kz_6fd_volcano.
16. 덕버그: Translated by RhyshaN
덕버그는 데미지 없이 착지할 수 있는 또 다른 기술입니다. 이미 엣지버그와 점프버그를 배웠기 때문에, 덕버그는 높은 곳에서 죽지 않고 떨어질 때 사용할 수 있는 세 번째 기술이 됩니다. 이 기술의 최고의 장점은 점프버그보다 한 두 배 정도 쉽다는 것이지만, 점프버그와 달리 어디서든 가능한 기술이 아닙니다. 덕버그를 하기 위해서는 경사면이 필요합니다.
점프버그와 비교되는 또 다른 차이점으로는 수평 속도를 잃지 않는다는 점이 있습니다. 따라서 덕버그를 구사한 이후 경사면에서 떨어지지 않도록 감속할 준비를 해야 합니다.
이제 덕버그가 무엇인지를 알았습니다.
그렇다면 덕버그가 어떻게 일어나고, 덕버그를 어떻게 사용할 수 있으며 어떠한 맵에서 사용이 가능할까요?
첫째로, 높은 곳에서 뛰거나 달려 속도를 좀 붙인 뒤에(그저 높은 곳에서 떨어지는 것보다 높은 속도로) 떨어져야 합니다.
-> Note: 덕버그를 하기 위해 목표한 경사면이 완만할수록 보다 높은 속력이 필요하며, 경사면이 급할수록 보다 낮은 속력이 필요합니다.
그리고, 공중에 있을 동안 덕을 유지한 상태에서 착지지점에 매우 가까워졌을 때 엔진을 속이기 위해 덕을 떼어주면('un'덕) 됩니다.
-> Tip by rad:
마우스휠에 덕을 지정하고 굴려주는 방법은 매우 유용할 수 있습니다(rad는 volcano의 월드레코드 데모와 첨부된 redrock 영상의 데모에서 이 방법을 사용했습니다). 스트레이프는 영향을 끼치지 않지만, 경사면을 평각으로 때리는 것이 성공 확률을 높여줄 것입니다. 하지만 무엇보다 중요한건, 연습 또 연습입니다.

이와 같은 버그가 어떻게 가능한가요?
만약 공중에 있는 마지막 순간(마지막 에어프레임)에 덕을 하고 있다 떼어주며 땅을 밟게 된다면, 엔진을 속일 수 있다는 사실은 명백합니다. 떨어지는 동안 쌓인 속도가 그 다음 순간(프레임)에도 공중에 있도록 만들기 때문에, 엔진은 플레이어가 땅에 닿지 않은 것으로 간주해 버립니다. 엣지버그에서 그랬듯이 당신의 수직속도(추락속도)에 큰 변화가 있더라도, 당신은 죽은 목숨이 아닙니다.
마지막으로, kz_man_redrock에서 이루어진 덕버그 영상 가이드를 첨부합니다. 덕버그의 또 다른 예를 보고싶다면 kz_6fd_volcano의 월드레코드 영상을 찾아보길 바랍니다.
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