티스토리 뷰
Chris Froome's AX-Lightness SRT 24
위 무게 실측 글에 댓글을 달아주셨던 덱스털님께서 AX와 주고받은 메일을 포워딩 해주셨습니다.
워런티 정책 그리고 마빅 씨씨유와의 비교 내용인데,
Mavic의 CCU와 P38T를 무게, 에어로 성능, 강성, 솔리디티, 브레이킹 5가지 측면에서 비교해주었습니다.
프로팀에서 사용되는 CCU와 시중의 CCU는 다르다는 내용이 포함되어 있네요. AX의 답변임을 고려해 들어주시길 바랍니다.
질문과 답변을 간단히 정리했고 이메일 원본은 포스트 마지막에 담아두었습니다.
Q AX 웹사이트엔 크래시 리플레이스먼트만 소개되어 있다. 워런티 정책이 궁금하다.
A 기본적으로 2년. TPlan, starbike.com 등 구입한 구입처에 문의하면 돼.
Q CCU와 P38T 사이에서 고민중이다. 당신네 휠셋 리뷰가 적은데 정보를 좀 달라.
A Weight: 우리 휠셋은 일단 CCU보다 확연히 가벼워. 985g/set.
Aero: 우리 P38T는 도넛형태를 띄고 있기에 에어로하고 그만큼 조향에 영향이 적어. CCU는 구식의 V-Style 형태를 띄고 있어서 보다 덜 에어로 하지.
또 와이드 스포크를 갖고 있는데 이건 측풍에 좋지 않아. 또 CCU를 스폰받는 프로 라이더들을 자세히 살펴본다면, 일반적인 CCU가 아닌 팀버전의 CCU, 다른 림을 사용하는 것을 볼 수 있을거야. 보다 도넛형태인데, 이건 CYCLINGNEWS를 통해 확인할 수 있어.
Stiffness: CCU는 여기서 정말 뛰어나. P38T 역시 뛰어난 강성을 갖지만. 하지만, CCU는 측면강성 뿐 아닌 수직강성도 높아서 덜 편안하고, 그립력이 덜해. 즉, 느려.
Solidity: 우리 휠셋은 일반적인 블레이드 스포크를 사용해. 그래서 수리하기가 쉽지. CCU는 그렇지 않은 반면에(카본 스포크).
Braking: 우린 우리에게 최적화된 스위스스탑 AX 브레이크 패드를 사용해. 우린 실험실과 실제 주행에서 테스트/최적화를 거쳤고 결과가 매우 좋아.
Ultra라인으로 문의 넣으면 어떻게 달라진 답변이 올까도 궁금하네요.
아래는 덱스털님의 이메일 원문입니다.
공유 허락 다시 감사 드립니다.
Von: Im Auftrag von XX
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 23. April 2015 10:05
An: Sekretariat - ax-lightness GmbH
Betreff: Inquiry on P38T
I'm interested in buying your Premium 38 Tubular Wheelset from Starbike.com
I'm from South Korea and here we have official importer/distributor called TPlan but their retail price is so high when I can buy it below half the price from Starbike.com because of good Euro currency now.
Your website only have information on 'CrashReplacement' program you offer but not about warranty policy. I'm curious about your warranty policy in detail and whether I can get my warranty or get service from South Korea.
An acquaintance of mine told me that his P38T wheels were arrived with hub issues and you had arranged TPlan to replace his wheels but they refused to do so. So you had to replace the wheels yourself directly with DHL. He was very pleased with how you handled the issue even the Korean distributor refused to help you.
I have another competitor in mind.. the Mavic CCU. How do you think your P38T is compared to CCU? I favor your wheelsets on its lightweight aspect and repairability when CCU is not repairable when rim or spokes have been damages. But CCU is very well verified with the pro peloton and famous for its superior stiffness, solidity and performance. Is P38T comparable to CCU in many performance aspects? For instance, aero, stiffness, solidity, breaking, heat deformation resistivity and so on?
There is not much real world user review or information on P38T since it is fairly new wheelset. I'm hoping that you help fill me with information.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Viktoria Kurzenbaum - ax-lightness GmbH <v.kurzenbaum@ax-lightness.de>
Date: 2015-04-27 20:29 GMT+09:00
Subject: AW: Inquiry on P38T
Dear XX
Thank you for your enquiry and interest in our products.
Normally our products have 2 years warranty. If you buy by starbike you have also contact them in a warranty issue. Because Tplan can helps you only if you buy at him.
To the Mavic CCU and our P 38T
- Weight: our P38T start from 985 g/set which is remarkably ligther than CCU
- Aero: our P 38T features a toroidal shape with is optimized for aero performance as well as minimal steering influences. The CCU feature an old fashioned V-style shape which is aerodynamically lot less efficient, also the wide spokes have a negative inpackt on the steering in crosswinds. In regards your remark on proriders: if you watch closely the sponsored riders do NOT use standard CCUs but instead team-only versions with different rims (more turoidal also, check CYCLINGNEWS as reference)
- Stiffness: the CCU really excels here. Our P 38T has very good stiffness as well. As a disadvantages of the CCU: they not only have a very high lateral stiffness but also a very high vertical stiffness = less comfort, less grip = slower)
- Solidity : Our sets feature “regular” bladed spokes. As a result they are easily repairable – CCU isn’t
- Braking: we use specially optimized Swissstop AX brake pads, we have tested and optimized them both in laboratory and real-world conditions and they really excel here.
If you have other questions please contact me.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen/ best regards
ax-lightness GmbH
Am Steinkreuz 12
D-95473 Creußen
t +49 9270 91513-0
f +49 9270 91513-30
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