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[Forza Horizion 2] Barn Finds: 포르자 호라이즌2 헛간 찾기


[Forza Horizion 2] Alfa Romeo 33 Stradale: X999

엑박원/엑스박스원 - 포르자 호라이즌2를 플레이하다 보면 헛간을 찾으라는 미션을 받게 됩니다.

창고처럼 생긴 헛간을 찾으면, 매력적인 미캐닉이 헛간 안의 고물차를 수리해 차고에 넣어주죠.

각 헛간의 위치를 모아봤습니다.

영문해설과 스크린샷은 GamersHeroesGamesRadar에서 퍼왔습니다.

게임즈 레이더 영문해설 중 특정 레벨 주변에서 Barn Find가 떴다는 내용이 있는데, 플레이 해보니 레벨은 무의미한 것 같네요.

*Barn Find 3, 6은 두 사이트의 싱크가 맞지 않습니다.


Barn Find 1: Renault Alpine A1 10 1600S

 GR: Once you are around level 7, you will get a call from Ashley saying that there is a rumour of a barn find. Thus begins the terrible addiction. Head to the east of Sisterone and to the right side of the circled area. Look for the dirt road that passes through it and keep to the north of it. This barn is not especially difficult to spot as it literally is right beside the road.

 GH: This Barn is actually out on a farm. Another Classic Performance racer and it comes in at D 476.



Barn Find 2: Volkswagen Type 2 De Lux

 GR: For this barn, you will want to head almost directly north of Montellino. This barn find appeared at level 17 and can be found just to the west of the dirt road that runs north and south near the centre of the circled area. Look for the buildings (and barn) that are encircled by a low stone wall and you will find this awesome vehicle waiting within.

 GH: Just follow the little stone wall around until you find the entrance. Hippie van at it’s finest. This car races in the Cult Classics division and starts at 129 D, lowest I’ve seen so far.


Barn Find 3: Jeep WILLYS MB

 GR: Showing up at level 26, this barn find can be found to the northwest of San Giovanni. This was one of the tougher barns to track down as there are plenty of other barn-less buildings in the area and loads of trees that block your view. This lone barn can be found atop a hill just east of the highway that cuts through the circled area.

 GH: Going to have to go off road for this Barn. Old school military jeep that starts at 204 D and races in the Dirt Division.


Barn Find 4: Ferrari GTO

 GR: Messing up the "barns appearing at level x7" theory I had going on, this barn find appeared at level 33. Also one of the more tricky barns to locate, this barn can be found hidden behind a couple of other buildings to the south of the dirt road that runs directly though the centre of the circled area.

 GH: Take the dirt road until you are next to the Barn then go off road to get the car. This a very slick looking car and it starts off at 756 A. This car races in the Classic Supercar division.


Barn Find 5: Ford Capri RS3100

 GR: Bringing back my "barns appear at level x7" theory, the call for this barn find was delivered at level 37. Found southeast of Montellino, to the right of the highway that runs north and south from Castelleto, this barn is located directly beside a rather huge open building that has hay and an XP board inside it. Grab the XP and then head to the right a few steps to find the real goods.

 GH: This one is also on a farm surrounded by a fence. The fence has a couple of down spots that you can go through to get to the Barn. Another Cult Classic that comes in at D 462.


Barn Find 6: Jaguar XK 120 SE

 GR: This barn find, which pops up at level 46 can be found a few steps north of the San Giovanni Car Meet. Once you reach the car meet, just drive north, up the hill there and you will see a dirt trail leading you directly to the entrance of this fenced in barn.

 GH: You just have to follow the road and the Barn is at the end. The old school Jag comes in at D 454 and races in the Classic Performance division.


Barn Find 7: Ferrari 250 GT Berlinetta Lusso

 GR: Dinged at level 54, this barn find is due north of Casteletto, in the middle of nowhere. It can be a tough one to spot as it looks like there isn't a building to be found anywhere, but if you go to the spot marked above, you will find the barn located in the middle of a bunch of trees, next to a couple of smaller buildings.

 GH: This car has a short repair time. Just go off road and this one isn’t hidden at all. This car also races in the Classic Performance division and starts of at 552 C.


Barn Find 8: Maserati Tipo 61 Birdcage

 GR: To the far west, between Nice and Quai du Commerce, this barn find will appear around level 65. Head over to the barren land there and on the right edge of the group of trees to the west side, you will find this barn all by itself, without any other buildings around it.

 GH: This one is between the two dirt roads on a hill. This car races in the Classic Supercar division and it actually looks like a Supercar. It starts off white and is A 705.


Barn Find 9: Alfa Romeo Giulia TZ2

 GR: Around level 76, you'll get the call to go northeast of the "France" map marker. The search area is filled with buildings and it can take a bit to track down where the barn actually is, but if you head north of the main road that goes east and west, you will find this barn south of the curved dirt road and just behind a rather large white barn. You'll know it's the barn you want when you see an awesome blue tractor sitting next to it.

 GH: This one is off road in the woods. This car races in the Cult classics and start off at B 603. This is a very nice looking car.


Barn Find 10: Lamborghini Miura P400

 GR: When level 88 rolled around, the call for this barn was put out. Make your way back to the Horizon Festival and go directly south of the "F" on the map. Look for a long dirt trail with a wooden fence running along it and proceed upwards. When you reach the end, there will be a couple of buildings; one with grand stone arches in front and the other... kinda plain looking. Regardless, the barn you are after will be in between these two buildings and within it will be the final barn find of the game.

 GH: This is the first Barn Find you will unlock after about five races. This one is pretty basic just take the road to the symbol on the map and roll up to the garage. It will take some time before you can use it but the wait is worth it. This care races in the Classic Performance division. Starts at 588 C.


