티스토리 뷰
Bunnyhop Longjump World Record with 248.325units @ 248 block by akseon
10. Bhop Longjump: written by faker
Okay people, now it's time to learn a new longjump category! You've just learned what normal- and standup bhops are about and how you can perform and use them.
-> Note: Bunnyhop longjumps aka bhop longjumps (or bhoplj) have their own category in our lj record list, just like longjumps, highjumps etc.
The most important part for performing a good bhop longump is the prestrafe. You start with a normal jump and then the goal should be to reach a 299.9 units/second "pre"strafe (actually this is the airspeed, not the prestafe speed). This means you should try to get 299,9 units/s exactly, since a higher prestrafe is going to slow you down immediately - and a good bhop longjump will be impossible.
After you've performed your first jump with some additional strafes to gain up to 299 units/s air speed, you have to bhop immediately on the bhop block! The best choice here is to do a good duck standup bhop, since it's way more powerful (see chapter "duckstandup bhop"). Into the air you have to do multiple airstrafes again, just like when doing a normal longjump, to achieve more speed and a good jump length! In the end, don't forget to duck, of course.
-> Tip by chrizZo:
You can also use the standup bhop technique to perform a successful bhop longjump. When you land the block you have to perform a standup bhop, instead of a normal one. The time has shown that the additional boost of a standup bhop is very effective at bhop longjumps. Every bhop longjump into our record section is made with the standup bhop technique!
Notice that a prestrafe for a working bhop longjump is performed into the air, unlike in normal longjumps or highjumps. So a bhop longjump prestrafe differs a lot from a normal prestrafe performed on the ground, since it also involves the airspeed gathered before you jump off on the bhop block.
-> Tip by chrizZo:
A good prestrafe (299 units/s) is the most important part of a bhop longjump! Even with decent multistrafes, you'll be able to reach a distance of 243 units or higher if your prestrafe is performed correctly! That's why everyone should give bhop longjumping a try, it is very easy to achieve high blocks with it even without endless time used on practicing your strafes!
Here is our recap, showing a decent 244 units bhop lj performed with a standup bhop:
Okay people, now it's time to learn a new longjump category! You've just learned what normal- and standup bhops are about and how you can perform and use them.
-> Note: Bunnyhop longjumps aka bhop longjumps (or bhoplj) have their own category in our lj record list, just like longjumps, highjumps etc.
The most important part for performing a good bhop longump is the prestrafe. You start with a normal jump and then the goal should be to reach a 299.9 units/second "pre"strafe (actually this is the airspeed, not the prestafe speed). This means you should try to get 299,9 units/s exactly, since a higher prestrafe is going to slow you down immediately - and a good bhop longjump will be impossible.
After you've performed your first jump with some additional strafes to gain up to 299 units/s air speed, you have to bhop immediately on the bhop block! The best choice here is to do a good duck standup bhop, since it's way more powerful (see chapter "duckstandup bhop"). Into the air you have to do multiple airstrafes again, just like when doing a normal longjump, to achieve more speed and a good jump length! In the end, don't forget to duck, of course.
-> Tip by chrizZo:
You can also use the standup bhop technique to perform a successful bhop longjump. When you land the block you have to perform a standup bhop, instead of a normal one. The time has shown that the additional boost of a standup bhop is very effective at bhop longjumps. Every bhop longjump into our record section is made with the standup bhop technique!
Notice that a prestrafe for a working bhop longjump is performed into the air, unlike in normal longjumps or highjumps. So a bhop longjump prestrafe differs a lot from a normal prestrafe performed on the ground, since it also involves the airspeed gathered before you jump off on the bhop block.
-> Tip by chrizZo:
A good prestrafe (299 units/s) is the most important part of a bhop longjump! Even with decent multistrafes, you'll be able to reach a distance of 243 units or higher if your prestrafe is performed correctly! That's why everyone should give bhop longjumping a try, it is very easy to achieve high blocks with it even without endless time used on practicing your strafes!
Here is our recap, showing a decent 244 units bhop lj performed with a standup bhop:
10. 버니합 롱점프: Translated by RhyshaN
자, 이제 새로운 롱점프 카테고리를 배울 시간입니다! 이를 배우기에 앞서, 당신은 기본/스탠드업 버니합이 어떤 것인지, 어떻게 사용하는지 먼저 알아야 할 것입니다.
-> Note: bhop longjumps, bhop lj라고도 알려진(in Korea: 버니롱점, 버니롱점프) 버니합 롱점프는 우리의(Xtreme-Jumps.eu의) 롱점프 레코드 리스트에 롱점프, 하이점프처럼 자신만의 카테고리를 갖고 있습니다.
좋은 버니롱점프에서 가장 중요한 부분은 프리스트레이프입니다. 목표는 버니합에서 299.9units/s의 프리스트레이프(엄밀히 말하면 프리스트레이프가 아닌 공중에서의 에어스피드)에 도달하는 것입니다. 299.9units/s보다 높은 프리스트레이프는 급격한 속도 하락을 유발하기 때문에, 좋은 버니합 롱점프를 하기 위해서는 299.9units/s에 가까운 프리스트레이프를 만들어 내도록 노력할 필요가 있습니다.
약간의 추가적인 에어스트레이프가 섞인 첫 점프로 299units/s의 에어스피드를 만들어 낸 후에, 버니합 블록에서 즉시 버니합을 해야 합니다! 기본 버니합보다 덕스탠드 버니합이 더 강력하기 때문에(덕스탠드 버니합 챕터를 보십시오) 덕스탠드 버니합을 하는 것이 버니롱점프에서는 최고의 선택입니다. 더 높은 속도와 좋은 점프거리를 만들기 위해, 보통 롱점프처럼 점프 중에 여러번의 에어스트레이프를 해야 합니다. 당연하지만, 마지막에 덕을 하는 것을 잊어서는 안됩니다.
-> Tip by chrizZo:
성공적인 버니롱점프를 위해, 당신은 블록에 닿았을 때 기본 버니합 대신 스탠드업 버니합의 기술을 사용할 수도 있습니다. 이제까지의 기록들은 스탠드업 버니합의 추가적인 추진력이 버니합 롱점프에 있어 매우 효과적이라는 것을 증명합니다. Xtreme-Jumps.eu 레코드 섹션의 모든 버니합 롱점프 기록은 스탠드업 버니합으로 세워졌습니다!
보통 롱점프나 하이점프와는 달리, 버니롱점프의 프리스트레이프는 공중에서 진행된다는 것을 기억하십시오. 따라서 버니합 블록에서 뛰기 전 버니롱점프의 프리스트레이프는 에어스피드까지 포함하므로, 버니롱점프의 프리스트레이프는 땅에서 진행되는 프리스트레이프와는 매우 다릅니다.
-> Tip by chrizZo:
좋은 프리스트레이프(299u/s)는 버니롱점프에서 가장 중요한 부분입니다!
좋은 멀티스트레이프 없이도, 프리스트레이프만 올바르게 되었다면 버니롱점프로 243유닛 이상을 뛸 수 있습니다! 또 버니롱점프는 끊임 없는 스트레이프 연습 없이도 하이블록을 쉽게 깰 수 있는 기술이기 때문에, 한 번 시도해 볼만한 기술입니다!
이어서 스탠드업 버니합을 섞은 244유닛 버니합 롱점프 영상을 첨부합니다.
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